Physician Referral

The Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & Northern Ohio (AMCNO) provides a free Physician Referral service to the community. Please call (216) 520-1000 to speak to a Referral Coordinator. Callers can request their preferences for finding a doctor, such as proximity or specialty.

The AMCNO Referral Coordinator can inform you of your prospective physician's specialty, subspecialties, and hospital affiliation. All participating physicians are AMCNO members.

Please note: The AMCNO does not rank or rate physicians, and does not know what type of insurance a physician accepts. Please be advised that it is up to the physician if he/she wishes to take new patients. 

In addition to AMCNO's physician member referral service, you can use the Cleveland Clinic's Find a Doctor tool, or MetroHealth's Find a Doctor/Medical Provider tool to search for physicians and book appointments.